Monday, June 23, 2008

One Local businessman welcomes Brooklyn Ikea with open arms

Christopher Purnell, President & Founder of EZ Furniture Assembly & Interior Innovations, LLC was happier than a kid on Christmas morning when the Brooklyn Ikea finally opened. Purnell is an entrepreneur who has over 10 years of marketing experience and relocated to New York in search of something besides marketing, but just wasn’t certain what that was. While he pondered his next move the bills continued to come and soon he was forced to find something to tide him over until he found his dream job. Several friends suggested Craigslist where he could find temporary work also known as gigs. Purnell said “Right from the door I noticed all these postings for people wanting someone to assemble their furniture for them. I come from a family that is made up of handymen and construction workers hour days, 7 days a week.” It wasn’t long before he realized what he was searching for had found him. So, he went ahead and opened EZ Furniture Assembly & Interior Innovations, LLC and hired his first helper who is now his project manager, Lawerence Land. Purnell states “we went ahead and got licensed, insured, and built a web site and began marketing our services. It wasn’t long before we had more work than we could handle so we hired more technicians with a background in furniture assembly, repair, or at minimum carpentry skills.” Today Purnell’s company employs a dozen full-time technicians who are certified installers for several manufactures, are required to participate in at least two continuing education workshops per year & meet for a weekly meeting to discuss changes in products, new ideas to improve service, and keep everyone up to date on where the company is at. Purnell himself has obtained a certificate in Project Management, and got his company certified as by the National Playground Safety Council. The company has also expaned its services from just furniture to exercise & recreational equipment, barbeque grills, trampolines, swing sets, outdoor play sets, as well as building custom closets and assembling and installing kitchen cabinetry and works in conjunction with a delivery service that will actually meet the customer at the store and take them home with their purchases for far less than the stores in house service and have their furniture assembled the same day. The company is ranked #1 on both Yahoo & Google, has a 5 star rating on Ikea Fans, and was awarded the “Superior Service Award” by Angie’s List, an independent service that allows consumers to review a company’s rating and reviews from prior customers. Purnell explains “ I believe our success is definitely due to the demand for such a professional service because most of customers work long days, and the time they have they want to spend with family & doing things they enjoy not trying to assemble furniture all weekend. The competition is limited, there are really only two national companies providing the same services but they have forgotten who pays their bills, the customers. Some services that have contracts with a few big box stores have customers waiting 3-4 weeks for an appointment, where our goal is to get an appointment scheduled within 72 hours. I always stress to all my technicians and staff that no matter how many services we provide our most important service is customer service”.

From what we can see his company has found the recipe for success, and as long as they continue to make furniture requiring assembly his company will continue to grow. EZ Furniture Assembly & Interior Innovations currently serves all of New York City, Long Island, & Eastern N.J.. If you are in need of professional assembly and/or installation services you can visit them online at

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About Me

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I am a person who has had a rollercoaster of a life, with more downs than ups. I spent several years in marketing in which I started entry level and left Regional Marketing Director. I was blessed with a little princess and deiced my life needed an over haul so I started EZ Furniture Assembly & Interior Innovations, LLC with no more than a few screwdrivers, a shoebox of past due bills and a passion to succeed at something I found I really enjoy. Today I run NYC's top professional furniture assembly & kitchen installation companies, and am considered an expert in my industry.