Friday, June 6, 2008

Major Furniture Companies Have Lowered Their Prices But Quality Too!!

To my, and several of my longtime technicians and project managers we were suprised at how low Bush is selling their products. That was until we went out on a big job that was all Bush and we saw a dramatic change in their quality of material. Now most assembly services like ours work on a % of the retail cost the lower the cost the lower we charge, but what do we do when they are selling desks for $200.00 and are pure junk where none of the holes line up, missing parts, and out of square componets? Do we tell the customer sorry since you bought this brand we have to charge you as much as it costs because it will take 4 hours to fix it for assembly? I know that a lot of big box stores are selling furniture from companies out of China, but Bush? It is the economy, nobody is going to pay $900 for a desk now! But it us that suffers, and soon the customers because us and others will stop assembling their products. I guess we can only pray the recession ends and we start brining back plants to America. I am a proud American and have vowed to only buy products made here unless forced otherwise. What is your take???

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About Me

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I am a person who has had a rollercoaster of a life, with more downs than ups. I spent several years in marketing in which I started entry level and left Regional Marketing Director. I was blessed with a little princess and deiced my life needed an over haul so I started EZ Furniture Assembly & Interior Innovations, LLC with no more than a few screwdrivers, a shoebox of past due bills and a passion to succeed at something I found I really enjoy. Today I run NYC's top professional furniture assembly & kitchen installation companies, and am considered an expert in my industry.