Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Was this your IKEA Experience????

Hello Everyone! I was looking for a little tid bit to write about and someone sent me a post from another blog, assuming it's a family blog. Anyway, it appears they had a great time at IKEA. I guess because I am numb to the whole experience after being in the business for years, but it neither excites nor maddens me any more. However, I am interested to see if anyone agrees or better yet feels the same about IKEA as the person in this post, or do you hold less than love for IKEA and their products. Tell us!!!

EZ Furniture Assembly & Interior Innovations

As our family grows, our home gets smaller, it seems. We haven’t started building the new house yet, so I’ve been trying to organize and de-clutter. We went to Ikea over the weekend, and I may as well have been in Heaven! I’ve only been to Ikea once and that was years ago. I don’t remember it being so cool. Much of the moderny furniture doesn’t really appeal to me, but I was able to find some cool fabricy-hangy skinny shelf things that were perfect for the girls’ closet to fit their shoes, diapers, etc. I previously had a changing table in their closet and used that as a shelving system. Man, those hanging shelves are awesome. It’s like they’ve got a new closet now with all the extra space! To recycle the changing table though, I moved it into the office/craft room, and I put these cool boxes on it. They were a 2-pack for something like $3! Very pretty, affordable, and useful! I would’ve purchased a whole lot more while there, but I was super hungry and the place was packed, and I was starting to get a stomach ache, so we had to move quickly. I can’t wait to go again!

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