Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Interior Decorating is finally in the air. Thank God!

Hello Everyone!

To all my fellow City Dwellers, all I can say is "BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR", it's freezing! Anyway, besides the brutal cold, today was the beginning of what I waited all winter for..... business calls. It has been a very long, painful winter for many of us in the home remodeling & construction industry. I would have loved to try some media marketing, but the local rags here don't believe in I.O.U.'s. However, I did what I could to flier the streets of Manhattan and am planning a Guerrilla marketing to pump up some leads. Anyway, today was like when the groundhog finally pops up. Our company received over ten solid quote requests that had me dancing the Irish jig. I hope that today was a sign of a trend of constant work because when you have spent thousands training a team of technicians who can assemble anything from an Ikea Pax unit to a Bo Concept and everything in between, never mind install the highest end cabinets with pure perfection in half the time of other installers which allowed us to give our customers a quality job at a fair price. I was really worried about losing my team, but they have been in this business for years in one fashion or another and knew what winter meant. Most of the vetrans either took on side jobs or hooked a painting gig while the newer guys searched wherever they could for work. I also was able to keep a majority of them working through other contractors that had contracts with large companies that kept them busy throughout the whole year. I am pleased to announce that I spoke with all our technicians today and they said they knew the call was coming and were ready to come back full-time once I gave word. That really made me happy, because this was a hard winter on all of us. However, I am still fearful that we are entering into a recession which will not allow us to reach our projected goals for this year. I believe we will make it because we have a high referral rate because of our quality workmanship and New York city has too many white collar citizens for us to really stop working even in a recession like the winter months, or at least I hope. Nevertheless, I am scared to death this year because I took this company from nothing to a professional service business that I planned to expand and reach certain goals. Now, just like every other business my fate lays in the hand of our economy. I am just grateful that business is picking back up and hope to be in full swing by this time next month.

Christopher Purnell
President & Founder
EZ Furniture Assembly & Interior Innovations, LLC.

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