Monday, September 15, 2008

My IkEA Short Story!!!!!!

Here is another story about IKEA. Don't shoot me I'm only the messenger.

This week I went to the office twice... stayed up to listen to the US Open on the radio on whatever day that was..

Yesterday I went to Ikea for some shelves. God. I love Ikea furniture but the store sucks. There are no signs, everyone looks at you as if you're mad, and when I got the shelves we wanted, half the boxes were torn open and all over everywhere and the colour wasn't at all like it was in the catalogue. Its called 'Black-Brown' but its really just black. I wanted a nice deep brown really... But dad's started cutting the wood up already so I'll just shut up about it. It might look different in sunlight I guess.

Today I dragged myself out of bed to go to the NEC to a sewing show. It was pretty fun, I got a few jewellery buts and had a reallllyyy yummy pannini from Bebes. We went with mums friend and her daughter, whos really nice.

College starts tomorrow. I hope it cheers me up, I'm feeling pretty crappy at the moment.

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