Saturday, September 27, 2008

Learn Professionally Tiling in Just a Few Hours!!

I want you to KNOW that if you are Remodeling your Kitchen or Bathroom where you more than likely want to add tile this is by far the BEST INVESTMENT you will make! We have a Professional Mason with over 20+ years experience and was AMAZED at how detailed these instructional videos are and he explained that it took him a 4 year apprenticeship you learn what is on these videos. I actually ordered this program and actually have a technician who NEVER did any masonry and who has just completed his first tile job on a countertop after watching the videos. The average mason will charge you anywhere from $16.00 to $32.00 per linear foot so you do the math.

Here is what our client had to say about the countertop our technician completed for his first time.

" The counter came out absolutely amazing! I wouldn't, and still don't believe the tiler never did this before "

Tile Made Easy
Tile Made Easy

"WHO ELSE Wants To Learn To Lay Tile In Less Than 6 Days By Taking Advantage Of My Easy To Follow Do-It-Yourself Tile Videos...?"

If you answered YES click below to watch how you can!

From the desk of: Randy Davis

Date: Saturday, September 27, 2008.

Dear future tile setter,

I have laid ceramic tile my entire life. Well, roughly a little more than 20 years. So you should know you are getting advice from a professional tile setter. Not BS from some infomercial "guru".

Now, I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that everyone who watches my videos will be able to grab their tools, jump in the nearest pick-up truck they can find, and start making a living setting tile. That's ridiculous. As with anything, becoming a professional takes practice. Besides, most people are to lazy to turn this into a full-time profession.

But, assuming you have an average IQ of a twelve year old and the motivation it takes to pick up a few tools and watch me on TV for two hours you can do this and do a damn good job too!

However, just so that you don't think I'm some weirdo who is just trying to take you for a ride I want to let you in on a few facts..

5 Reasons Why You Should Believe My Videos Are Everything I Say And More...

1. I have worked in the ceramic tile industry for over 20 years. I've done just about every kind of tile job you can think of many times over.

Here's just a small sample of the companies I’ve worked with and helped…

  • University Of Southern Mississippi
  • Pier One Imports
  • Applebee's Restaurant
  • Wards Restaurants
  • Burger King
  • Moore's Funeral Home
  • Barnhills
  • The Pain Center
  • Subway
  • Wal Oil Gas Stations
  • Anderson's Paint
  • B And S Appliances
  • Engle Construction
  • West Lake Manor Retirement Home
  • Forrest General Hospital
  • William Carey College
  • Seashore Retirement

Note: If you prefer individuals that you can call personally and check their references call me and I will be happy to give you a list of numbers. However, I can't do it on this web page because it gets thousands of hits a month and I do not want my clients to kill me.

2. Also, I'm not just a "tile setter". I'm also a certified teacher. Anyone can "show" someone how to lay tile but can they teach them?

Well, look at my credentials. I spent five years of my life working for the State Rehabilitation Center of Mississippi where I taught troubled teens and disabled veterans how to master many lines of work.

Have you ever read a book or watched a how-to video and asked yourself, "Huh? What the heck did I just learn" as if someone filled your head with hot air? Well, you will not get that from my videos. I'm very precise and I teach it in a way that you can understand and pick up what I'm saying fairly quickly. I am trained to do so.

3. I am a real person! I do not hide behind a P.O. Box. My home phone is listed at the end of this page. So if my package is not everything I say and more you can call me and cuss me to the moon. And you can do it in front of my wife!

4. While most people will only guarantee their product for 30 days I give you 8 weeks! It's simple. If my package isn't everything I say simply request a refund. No questions asked.

I don't care if you break my CD in half, mix it in with two tons of manure and use it to fertilize your plants! I am still going to give you your money back! Period!

Try getting a guarantee like that from Joe Schmoe's info package.

Bottom line:

You will not find this being sold from some guy on an infomercial that knows about as much about setting tile as a monkey knows how to ride a bike! This is a real educational course that comes with years of pride and experience.

5. No waiting for your mail to arrive! After your order you are sent directly to a private download page where you can download all my videos straight from your home computer. So you can literally be watching my videos within minutes of placing your order! Burn it to a dvd if you like or simply watch it on your monitor!

Note: Orders will also be sent to your home. So you get both access to our private site where you can download the videos and our entire package by snail mail!

Never downloaded videos online? I'll show you. It is literally as easy as clicking a few buttons. If you like I have no problem mailing them to you. However, I seriously doubt you'll find that necessary once you see how easy it is.

So how much money and time will these videos save you...?

Here's Proof!

Let's assume you do have a small job that doesn't require all the information in my package. Can you afford to make one simple mistake?

Let's take Caesar for example:

"That worked perfect!"

(in audio)


New Orleans

Click play to listen

Hey Randy my name is Caesar and I'm calling from New Orleans.

I went ahead and downloaded that video on how to cut a circle out of a tile and that worked perfect! Thanks for the tip and I hope you make some more videos.

Caesar had a simple problem. He simply needed to know how to cut a circle out of a tile. It only took me about 3 minutes in one of my videos to show him how to do it.

How much do you think that one simple problem would have cost him if he didn't watch the video?

We're not even going to take into account the time and headache it could have cost him. Let's simply talk brass tax.

On average a piece of tile costs about two dollars. Even though Caesar is trying to do this all by himself, we are going to be modest and assume Caesar is a total genius with an IQ of 180 (his mom must be very proud) and he only breaks 10 tiles while trying to make a circle.

Money saved:

$10.00 × 2 = $20.00

That's 20 bucks for one simple problem!

Aren't you glad Caeser got my package?

"After watching the video I figured it out in a heartbeat!"

(in audio)

Jonathan Brewer


Click play to listen

Hi, this is Jonathan Brewer. I'm calling from Tennessee.

I ordered Randy Davis's videos from the Internet. I was a little skeptical at first because it seemed it wasn't going to be what I needed. But, I ended up watching the videos.
One of my problem areas was what to do around the toilet in the bathroom. After watching the video I figured it out in a heartbeat. He did a real good job explaining it. I was just calling him to let him know I appreciate it and thanks again.

Oh, the bathroom toilet. That can be a nasty job. However, once again we will try to be modest (Remember we're pretending Jonathan did not get my package).

Obviously there is a number of things that could go wrong with this job such as flooding, or even severe plumbing damage. However, let's assume the best case scenario for Jonathan.

Besides, he seems like a pretty smart guy. I bet he was a straight A student in high school!

Perhaps he only causes a small leak that is quickly repaired resulting in the staining of his grout stretching only 6 feet of his tile job. Six feet = about 28 pieces of tile he's going to have to chip up in order to replace the grout (we're not even going to count the cost of the new tile he's going to have to buy).

Money Saved:

The average piece of tile = two dollars.

28 × 2 = $56.00

Wow $56.00 for a simple leak!

I don't know what your project is or how big. But I do know any job worth doing is worth doing right. Furthermore, I sincerely believe you will find my videos to be a household staple for years to come. Also, nothing is going to compare to the money you are going to save every time you run into a simple problem.

Here Is Exactly What You Will Discover...

Making Cuts On The Cutter Board. As with anything, there is a right way and a wrong way. Warning: Do this the wrong way and it could cost you a lot of money in broken tile.

I'm going to show you the correct way to cut your tile to ensure you get the slice you need. Don't worry it is as easy as doing what I do!

Making Cuts With The Tile Saw. See it in action! You may not even need the saw but just in case you do I show you exactly how to use it safely and effectively.

Watch Cutting Around Faucets, Jams And Wall Plugs. Sound difficult? Once you watch this video, not only will you be able to perform this task effectively but with speed. You will not believe just how easy it can be!

Using The Tile Nippers (When And How). This is another critical task that could cost you big if not done correctly. However, once you master this bad boy you can literally cut the time of your tile job in half!

Sizing The Joints. The size of your joints can mean the difference between a professional tile job and an amateur job gone bad.

However, using this one short cut I'm going to show you, you could not only save the entire tile job but it is so effective that...your friends will swear you've been doing this for years!

Installing Backer-Board. How hard can it be? A hammer and a few nails and you're ready to go right? Not so fast. First, let's go over the do's and dont's. The last thing I want you to do is end up ripping it up and starting over. Watch as I walk you through the correct process.

See How To Lay It Out. Don't go by your instincts alone. Watch my video as we get this down to a simple science using up-to-date short cuts that even many seasoned tile setters don't know about!

How To Mix And Spread Thin-Set. Without proper instructions you could waste a lot of thin-set (and money) trying to figure this one out! You don't want to mix your thin-set to thin and you sure as heck don't want lumps in it! I will show you exactly how to mix it to a perfect stir. It is easy as one, two, three!

How To Grout Ceramic Tile! It's really simple once you learn it. Let's make sure you get it right the first time by leaving no pinholes in your grout (trust me they are ugly). I'm also going to show you the easiest way to clean it so you don't end up with smudges covering your beautiful tile job!

These are just a few of the topics I cover in my videos.

Let me break it down. You will receive...

Videos 1-2

The Basics

How to install floor tile

Installing backer-board

Make cuts using the cutter board

Using the saw (just incase)

Installing decos

Laying the tile out correctly

Using spacers

Sizing the joints

Using the tile nippers

Dressing the joints

Cutting around faucets, jams , wall plugs , and more

Video 3

How to Mix and Spread Thin-Set!


Measuring and thickness

Why gray or white

Avoiding lumps

Using the correct tools

How to correctly spread

Video 4

How to Grout Ceramic Tile!


Measuring and thickness

Choosing the right color

Spreading of grout

How to get it clean the first time

Mixing the grout

Grouting with epoxy

You could always try setting tile without the help of my videos. But is it worth the risk...?

Warning: These Mistakes Could Cost You A Fortune!

How much money do you think you could save simply by avoiding just one of these costly mistakes?

Let's do a rough estimate...

Mistake Example #1 Laying out floor tile incorrectly: of course this one problem alone could cost the entire job. However since we're trying to make a point, let's assume the best case scenario. So, your job is off course causing a small curve in your floor.

Nothing a small grinder can't fix. We will even take it a step further and assume the curve only stretched out 6 feet resulting in only 12 ruined tiles and a hand full of grout. $12.00

Mistake Example #2 Breaking or chipping more than 20 tiles: count yourself lucky if you don't have any knowledge about cutting tile and you only break or chip 20 pieces = $18.00

Mistake Example #3 Ruining only one good bag of mortar: once again we're assuming the average newbie is very lucky = $12.00

Mistake Example #4 Ruining only half a bag of grout: you would be surprised at how easy this could happen simply by not following a few simple instructions = $11.00

Mistake Example #5 Not correctly spacing your tile: depending on how many tile you misplace this one mistake could really add up. But let's just say you only misplace about 20 tiles = $18.00

Mistake Example #6 Using random size tile: it happens all the time. You think you're getting a good deal on your tile, pop your line, make your cuts, then before you know it you notice the tile you spent your hard earned money on is all different shapes and sizes. How did this happen? Let's assume that this is just a glitch (very unlikely) and you only come across 17 odd shaped tiles. Wasted tiles = $16.00

Mistake Example #7 Not cleaning the grout correctly: you may not even notice the mess until the next day. One minute you have a nicely done grout job and the next minute you notice smudges all over your beautiful tile! Hiring someone to clean this mess could cost a fortune. However, let's be modest and assume all it needs is a good buffing. Cost to rent buffer = $40.00

Mistake Example #8 Re-assembling pipes, toilet or sink incorrectly: obviously there is a number of things that could go wrong when making this mistake such as flooding, or even severe plumbing damage. However, let's just assume the best case scenario. Perhaps you only cause a small leak that is quickly repaired resulting in the staining of your grout stretching only 3 feet of your tile job. Three feet = about 14 pieces of tile = $28.00

Mistake Example #9 Incorrectly grouting with epoxy: this could cause a real problem with your grout not setting up properly. However, once again, we're going to be fairly modest and assume you were only grouting a small area resulting in a loss of only half a bag of epoxy. = $19.00

Mistake Example #10 Not properly preparing the surface: once again, this is something that could cost the entire job. However, for the sake of proving a point we will assume the best case scenario. Let's assume there were no problems with the actual "surface" itself. Although, it wasn't properly cleaned resulting in loose tiles. Furthermore, we will assume this was a fairly small tile job resulting in the following losses: half a bag of grout, only 5 chipped tiles and half a bag of thin-set. Modest estimate = $22.00

Note: Those are just a few of the small mistakes people make. Much bigger ones could cost the entire job. However, I think you get the picture.

Join now and save BIG.

Join me on my private site where I will personally take you by the hand in my videos and show you everything you need to know to give your home a beautiful tile job. Where else are you going to get this information?

Besides, even if you do find something similar I can almost guarantee you that they won't have nearly the amount of experience I have. Plus, my private site is jam packed with nothing but the goodies. No fluff and no hype.


If you order today I will throw in these Fantastic bonuses!

50 Answers To My Most Frequently Asked Questions In Full Detail!

All In Audio!

Don't let the sight of "frequently asked questions" fool you. There is a heap of information in this section that if sold separately could cost a bundle. With each question I go into complete detail and discuss the concern, the solution and perhaps the alternatives.

Are Cheap Tiles Good

Can Floor Tile Be Used On The Wall

Can I Install Tile In A Mobile Home

Can I Lay New Tile On Top Of Old Tile

Can I Lay Tile On Wood Floors

Can I Lay Tile On Vinyl

Can I Put Anything On My Tile To Make it Shine

Can I Stain My Grout

Can Wall Tiles Be Used On Floors

Can You Drill A Hole In Tile

Can I Install Tile Out Doors

Can I Clean Old Grout

Do I Need To Remove My Wall Paper

Hardy Backer Or Wonder-Board

How Thin Should Grout Be

How To Clean Grout Haze

How To Measure For Tile

How To Remove Vinyl

Is My Shower Leaking

Adding Color To Grout
Mixing With Only Half A Unit Of Epoxy
Should You Use Grout Release With Epoxy
How Does Epoxy Set Up
What To Do In The Case Of A Warped Blade
What To Do If Your Thin-set Is Drying To Fast
What Size Saw To Use
Nails Or Screws In Backer-Board

Replacing A Chipped Tile

Sanded Grout Or Not

Should I Seal My Tile

Should I Tape Backer-Board

Should I Use Spacers

Should I Tile Under My Toilet

What Color Thin-Set To Use

What About A Creak In The Slab

What Is The Difference Between Marble and Granite

What Kind Of Thin-set With Backer-Board

What Size Backer-Board

What Size Grout Joint

When To Grout The Tile

Will Tile Chip

Will I Need A Saw

Is Epoxy Good Grout

Is Porcelain Better Than Ceramic

What Kind Of Tile To Use Around A Fireplace

Lay Tile Over Formica

What To Do If Grout Begins To Crack
Cutting Tile Without Water
Removing Old Grout
When Using Glue With Tile, How Long Should You Wait To Gout
The Saw And Safety
Should You Use Sanded Grout With Marble
What Size Cutting Blade Should You Use

Look, I doubt very seriously you're going to need my help after viewing the videos. However, I don't want there to be any problems whatsoever. I want to be absolutely sure that your experience with my package is nothing less than superb.

Therefore, I am making myself available to you in a way very few people do by offering one on one mentoring.

Meaning: After you watch my easy to follow videos ( which a twelve year old could follow) and you STILL need assistance I will personally be there to assist you! Once again, this is something I could easily charge extra for but I'm not. Try to get this bonus anywhere else!


So, how much would you expect to pay for this amazing offer?

I know I could charge a fortune for this information considering the money you'll be saving (not to mention you won't find anything like this anywhere else).

However, my goal is to make my package affordable to everyone and not just some tile setter that wants to make a quick buck using my strategies.

So, how much would you expect to pay for these killer shortcuts? $300.00? $150.00? Well, even if I sold it for $150.00 it would be a steal considering how much it would cost to hire someone. However, I'd like to go overboard a little...

*** WAIT! ***

NEW! For those who act by Saturday, September 27, 2008.

This is absolutely crazy. Believe me when I say I will go up on this price soon. It could be as early as tomorrow.

However, I just launched this course and I need more testimonials.

So, if you promise to email me your experience with my videos (good or bad) then here is the killer deal I have to offer you today.

If you order now you will receive this full package at the ridiculous price of only $27.95!

As anyone with two brain cells can tell I'm practically giving this masterpiece away.

I repeat this is a limited time offer. If you think this is nothing more than a sales pitch then you're wrong.

Feel free to check back as often as you like because I will be going up on the price. You can count on it. I didn't put my blood, sweat and tears into this project for nothing.

If you're waiting for the right opportunity to order then the time is now.

Also, don't forget my rock solid guarantee! There's nothing to lose and time and money to save!

Two Month Unconditional Money-Back GUARANTEE!

Acquire Tile Made Easy™ and take advantage of this great opportunity for eight weeks. If you are not 100% satisfied you will receive a complete refund. No questions asked. Period!

Click play to listen

There you have it!

I've shown you my credentials, so that you know I am capable of backing up my offer.

I've shown everything you will receive through my private site by taking advantage of my special offer (or by mail).

We even broke it all down to a science by doing the math and proving that this package could pay for itself simply by preventing just one small mistake!

Furthermore, on top of all that, I have given you my rock solid guarantee that is good for eight weeks.

How could you not order my package?

You wouldn't attempt to repair a car without the proper tools would you? Neither would you attempt to build a house without first designing a blueprint. Do you honestly feel doing this tile job without my videos is the right decision? I can't make you order my package, all I can do is recommend it. However...

I will leave you with one final thought:

Over the years I've employed several different tile helpers to assist me with my jobs. It was never hard to teach them simple things like grouting, laying tile, cutting, etc. However, there is one thing I found myself repeating several times over...

"Do a perfect job," I would say, "because, if you do a perfect job then you will only make a few mistakes. That comes with being human. However, do anything less than perfect and people will notice."

There is no doubt about it.

Millions of people all over the world will go about their tile jobs without knowing about these videos. Some will waste hundreds if not thousands hiring a tile setter to do the job for them. Some will try it themselves without any professional advice at all and it will cost them a fortune in losses.

I don't want that to be you.

I want you to do a perfect job!

Why leave one stone unturned? Let's do a perfect job!

Let's do it together!

May every tile you lay be as beautiful as the home you live in.


I want to take advantage of this special offer today and receive Tile Made Easy.™

I understand the members area is full of goodies and by ordering today I will have full access to all the videos plus bonuses.

I also understand I have eight weeks to request a refund if I am not 100% satisfied and if your private site is not everything you claim I will do just that!

So, stop trying to convince me of what I already know and let me in now!

Today Only $27.95

[Your order is processed by Clickbank and is 100% safe and secure!]

PS Remember you have two full months to try them out for yourself. If they aren't everything I say and more simply ask for a refund and you will get your money back. Its really a no brainier.

PPS Call me on the phone! Is there anything I haven't covered? If so call me at home or email me so I can ad it to my package! Remember, I'm a real person. Let me know if I can assist you in any way.

©Copyright 2005 All rights reserved.

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