Wednesday, September 17, 2008

From Margeting GURU to Small Contracting Business & Loving it!!!

Hello Everyone!

I am not sure many of the readers know this because the blog is supposed to be about interior design, New York City living, furniture assembly and styles, as well as companies we have found to offer quality products at fair prices. Nevertheless, I will make this as short and painless as possible.

I worked for 10 years in marketing in which I started as an entry level cold caller until the day I decided to leave in which I was the Regional Marketing Director for the West Coast, which consisted of overseeing 6 offices and 200 plus employees. When my little princess was born it made me rethink my life, and what I "really" wanted. Now, I loved the money I made in marketing but with it came an element of vices and things I no longer wanted to be a part of my life. I worked as a construction laborer since I was 13, doing everything from roofing to working 4 summers as a masons tender. The work was hard, days were long, but I couldn't explain the feeling I got when the job was done and knew what was there before and knowing I helped build this. Even today when I return to my old city I take a ride by some jobs with my daughter showing her what daddy help build. After leaving my marketing position and relocating to NYC I knew I had to find a job. Everyone told me to go back into marketing or sales, but I knew I wouldn't be happy. So, I learned about Craigslist & begun doing small handyman jobs and a majority turned out to be assembly of ikea furniture. I did my homework and saw that there was a demand for such a service and completion was limited. So, within a few months I got licensed, insured, a office/closet and started working. I took on a helper who is now my Project Manager, Lawrence Land. Today we are the City's #1 professional assembly & installation company and recently opened a subsidiary NYC HANDYMAN that does all types of handyman services and specialized services such as Home Inventory Recording & Childproofing.

Yesterday, I had to do a Childproofing Home Evaluation wher we take a complete inspection, including our basic checklist as well as measurements and pictures. We provide the client with a preliminary on site report of our findings and reccomendations. Then we locate all the materials and price them, configure our labor and send the client our final evaluation report with what they require, along with the total cost for materials and labor. However, what would have been just a normal job turned into a great reminder of exactly how important my services and employees are. The family we are working for has decided to adopt 3 children from S. America and it really touched my heart at how these people went out and did such a wonderful thing. I applied half of our evaluation cost to the installation and intend to do the project at a minimal profit. It just reminded me that I'm not just a handyman, carpenter, or whatever. I'm a person who provides a valuable service to great people and childproofing this home might possibly save a life or at least a serious injury.

Below are some companies I strongly suggest you patronize. The first one Angie's List is a GREAT website to find out about a company from actual previous clients. You will know if they are reliable, on time, clean, does quality or poor work, or are just out and out crooks. I believe that it is great to be able to look up a company to see what other people had to say about their workmanship because this is where we go when we need to hire outside subcontractors. The other links are to great retailers where you will find beautiful products at unbelievable prices.

Try Angie's List!

$5 off $15

For Professional Furniture Assembly:
For Professional Handyman, Childproofing, & Home Inventory:

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