Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Assembly Required.........

Today, my old desk got kicked to the curb. The hutch part fell over this morning, knocking everything off into a heap with a massive crash. Nice way to start a Monday morning.


I paid a visit to my BSF Best STORE Forever), Costco this afternoon and bought a shiny new one. It’s dark brown and matches our bedroom furniture and it’s lovely. There were two VERY heavy boxes and the label said “some assembly required”. Ha. More like “one million tiny bits to separate and try to put together”!

After Joe and I lugged those suckers upstairs and dragged the old desk pieces downstairs, I began my assembly…pffft. I got to step 2 (of 26) and lost my patience. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how numbers 32 and 33 fit together. There was a diagram AND written instructions, but I just.couldn’t.get.it. Sigh. I looked at the clock and it was 2:45. Nice. Frankie would be home in 20 minutes. He ROCKS at this crap.

At 3:10, Nicholas comes in, sans Frankie. Crap. Cross Country tryouts started today. Frankie wouldn’t be home until 3:45. Crap. Crap. Crap.

I made a couple of business phone calls (from my office floor, with no desk) and FINALLY, Frankie arrived. I called him upstairs immediately. Poor kid didn’t even have a chance to grab a snack. Luckily, he advised me that he had no homework (except for Kumon) so I chained him to my bed asked him kindly to please help. He took one look at parts 32 and 33 and put them together. Little turd.

He then proceeded to put the desk together, methodically, piece by piece. That kid is amazing. He hardly even needed the instructions. We stopped at 5:30 for dinner and then he was back at it, this time with a little help from Joe…well, Joe just did what he was told by Frankie…and by 7:00, I was putting all my books and pens into my new cupboards and drawers.

Julian was extra-tired tonight because he woke from his single nap at 1:00…usually he either takes two naps or he goes down later for his one nap, but he was out and about with Joe and his Mom today, so I ran out of time to put stuff away…it’s just piled on my desk now. Sigh. Busy day tomorrow.

In other news, tomorrow is our School Council AGM…that means that it’s my last meeting as Chairperson. Praise.the.Lord. It has been really hard for me to deal with a baby, a full time job, two older boys AND being Chair of the School Council. I totally bit off more than I could chew with that! But, I think I made a difference. I did my best and I really think I did a pretty good job. Heck, at our school, stopping the parents on Council from killing each other is the main objective!!! So far, everyone is still alive and kicking…knock on wood.

Finally, this post is my 999th. Nine hundred and ninety-nine posts. Wow. That’s alot of blogging. I hope you have enjoyed them as much as I have enjoyed typing them. I also hope you will be here for my NEXT 999!


Compliments of www.mywhinecellar.com

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