Sunday, March 16, 2008



I want to start by wishing everyone a very happy St. Patrick's Day! Keep those Irish eyes a smilin'. I know in our wonderful city we get thousands of new residents daily among the millions of tourists that visit, so I have decided to add a short slide show showing the New York City's must see buildings and structures. I am sure there are many more that we can add and we welcome any and all additions as long as they are in good taste. I hope you enjoy this slide show and if you need help getting to anywhere in the city I suggest you use a great program/website called "nyc hopstop" where all you have to do is enter you current address and where you wanna go and in just a few seconds it will give you step by step directions on what train to take to where, transfer here or there if need be, and which way to way once you leave the subway. This site is great and will actually take you to the doorstep of where you want to go in easy, understandable directions. Anyway, enjoy the slide show,

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