Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Why Does IKEA Sell Incomplete Beds???

I can't believe that IKEA continues to sell beds to people without all the pieces, and then has the (excuse my french) balls to blame the consumer for not knowing they needed this particular item. I know many of you are wondering what this nut is rambling on about now,right? Thought so! Anyway, all of IKEA's lovely, beautiful, chic, easy to assemble, beds use slats to support the box spring and mattress. However, at least 8 out of 10 customers purchase the beds not knowing they need to also purchase these slats seperate along with a support brace that goes directly down the middle of the bed to support the slats. Probaly for extra protection, right? Wrong! See the slats which are wooden supports that can be found on beds dating back 200 years or better. These slats are normally the same size as the width of the bed to support the box spring & mattress or you would have it on the floor. Now, for some unknown reason IKEA has chosen to cut the size of the slats in half and have them rest on a support brace in the middle of the bed. Why? Wouldn't it be easier just to include the slats in one of the 25 boxes they send with the bed? The best part about all this is they never tell you that you also need to purchase the support brace that sits in the middle and the 2 rolls of slats seperately or your bed will just be laying on the inside of the frame on the floor. Why? Couldn't they add $20 bucks to the cost of the bed set and include these two necessary parts? Or at least have a sign by the bed that reads something like, " Buying a Bed? Don't forget to purchase your support bracket & bed slats. Ask an associate if you need help". But God forbid you call them and complain! I had one poor women who waited a full month for her furniture to get delivered by Urban Express who delivers for IKEA, and all she kept saying how much she was looking forward to sleeping on a bed tonight off the floor. Well, after they finally came I had to tell her that unless she was going to get a hotel she would be on the floor again tonight because they didn't include the support bracket or the slats. She thought maybe the delivery guys forgot or misplaced them so she frantically called them only for them to call back and say they got everything she ordered. I reviewed the receipt and they were right in the meantime my damsel in distress was calling IKEA customer service. She explained that she spent almost $10,000 at their store and they forgot to send her the bracket and bed slats. This rep was quick to shoot back making it clear that they had made no mistake on THEIR part, that she failed to buy all the parts needed to correctly assemble the bed. Now this put this poor girl over the edge and she used some rather nasty but appropriate words on this weasel. She went on to explain she wasn't an interior designer nor a professional furniture crafter, that she only bought a bed that she assumed needed no more than that so called easy assembly. She finally gave up and and I felt so bad I told her i would go to IKEA the next day and get it for her. Well, not only did I get hers, I got another dozen of both the support bracket and the slats. And to this day after I have sent at least a dozen letters to the manager 8 out of 10 bed sets are still missing these pieces in which I must bring to the work site and explain to the customer that I am not trying to scam them but IKEA didn't inform you that you would need these pieces as well to assemble the bed correctly, or at least keep it off the floor. My only question is WHY?????????????????? It appears at times that IKEA makes things harder than they should, in which I shouldn't be complaining because if it was as easy as they claimed I would be out of work. However, when you buy your bed don't forget the support brace or slats!

If you went through this before please share your story I'm sure our readers would love to hear it. For the life of me I cannot figure out why we don't have many posts from our readers because in the last 3 months our website was viewed almost 4000 times! So if you have something to say, SAY IT!!!

Feed Shark

1 comment:

  1. Right. Here's the story. I need to find somewhere that sells REALLY cheap mattresses - not Ikea rubbish ones. I've just moved into a new house, but I'm only renting so god knows how long I'll be here. It isn't furnished, but I already have a bed so that isn't important (it's standard double size, by the way). I don't want to spend loads purely because I'll probably just end up throwing it away when I move again.
