Sunday, February 3, 2008

Ikea furniture is more than a simple weekwnd project!!!!

We’re a bit snowed in here, even had a real snow day yesterday where they let us go home early from work! A perfect weekend for indoor projects around the house. We made a trip to ikea earlier this week, a trip that we had been putting off since moving in. We had kind of been waiting until the shock of making the largest purchase of our life had worn off, until we felt like we could spend money again on needed furniture like new desks and bookcases.


Although there has been much cursing of the swedes and throwing my hands up in despair at interpreting the assembly diagrams (that dowel is supposed to go where?) I’m happy to have a really nice desk and it will hopefully help me to finally get my studio in presentable shape. Once all the clutter has been sorted into it’s new hiding places I hope to be able to share more photos of my workspace, it’s something I’ve been meaning to do. Also, please enjoy the new craft soundtrack, I have been listening to it while putting together the furniture all day, so it’s well tested!


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