Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Honesty is the best policy!!!!

I love to see the faces of tourists or people just passing by when they see someone homeless, they grab hold of their family and make some sort of unbreakable chain in their minds as Dad's legs begin to shake like whore on nickel night. Don't get me wrong there are some real creepy cats out there that I prefer my little princess not see, but some of the m make my day. Like this guy above! He isn't saying he's hungry or lost his job and the Big Brother gave him the whole 9". Nope, not him, he is telling you he wants to have a good time and asking passerby to help him on his field trip. Just like those kids that come year after year selling that shitty candy that they ask you to buy to help pay for their trip to somewhere. Ask and you shall receive, right? Who is your best bum? Anybody buy something special for their less fortunate brother or sister? Don't think for a second these people are happy where there at and if they really wanted to change they would be out working a real job. Real job?? What are they? Where do you find one of those in NYC? Don't get me wrong their are some assholes out there that I wouldn't give a red cent, but i have a few I bullshit with and slip them a 5 spot when I got it. I guess I got a soft spot because I know ANYBODY can be that person in no time at all. Even in my company I try to hire guys who not only need but want a second chance at life. We all make mistakes some get caught and others don't.b If you see the same guy week after week and he looks about your size why not stp by and tell him you got some old stuff that you don't wear anymore and they would probaly fit him swell. If he does take them you will get a feeling inside that I can't use words to explain when you see hin wearing the shirt you gave him.

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